This family is just utterly adorable. Professor Matamoros is a Latin Dance instructor at the high school that I teach at. He also has his own dance studio and being Cuban, he's got a lot of flavor to his rhythm. Which is no surprise he was able to win the heart of such a gem like Laura. Along with their gorgeous children, they are a fun family to be around!
Thank you so much for having photograph your family! It was an absolute pleasure!
Esta familia es sumamente adorable. El Profe Matamoros es instructor de Ritmos Latinos en la prepa donde trabajo. Incluso, el Profe tiene su academia de danza y siendo Cubano, le da un pasito extra a su ritmo. Por la cual no fue una sorpresa que capto el corazón de una gran mujer como Laura. Junto con sus hermosos niños, son una familia divertida!
Muchas gracias por darme la dicha de fotografiar su familia!