There is something special about taking one last trip before the baby arrives to disconnect and reconnct with your partner. Also, best location for your maternity photos - but I might be biased!
I get asked often what I do for a living, and when I was first starting out, I would feel really silly proclaiming that I was a portrait photographer. Or a photographer in general. At the time, I was so immersed in perfecting my craft that I felt like everyone was becoming a photography. It’s like when you’re looking to buy a new car and then you suddenly see the car everywhere.
After 10 years in business, I’ve learned that in order to continue doing what I love, everyone must know that I’m a photographer. This is particularly difficult for me since I’m naturally an introvert and don’t like talking to strangers on a superficial level.
But this means that even my landlady knows that I’m a photographer. And when her son and daughter-in-law were looking to have their maternity photos taken, she thought of me.
You see, sometimes, you might be the only person people know who does what you do. So never shy away from proclaiming your talents, passions, and career choices.
You just never know the wonderful people you may meet. Monse and Chema were so fun to photograph and they came to me with a truly unique idea that I just love how it turned out!
Congratulations you two are going to have a lot of fun with your little baby boy!
Want a portrait session on the beaches of Mexico? Contact me HERE.
I had so much fun experimenting with this session during the most beautiful sunset! Enjoying pregnancy, looking absolutely fabulous while doing it, and having a husband, soon-to-be-daddy that lights up when he talks to the baby on the inside just makes my heart melt. It was such an easy going, light, fun, calm session. And being able to try something new like dragging the shutter so the water looks like it's moving just made my whole evening.
Enjoy! Click on the images to view larger :).
I love having the privilege of photographing the most important moments in my family. Especially this little miracle in my sister's tummy.
This was a while ago and little Tomas decided to come a couple weeks after ;). But I want to share this session with you as my sister sinks into motherhood ever so fabulously! Love you sister, Robert, and baby Tomas!
Oh boy, this beautiful woman is just breathtaking! Laura and I have been friends for a few years now thanks to photography! Can't say enough about how fun she is to be around and even more when she's growing a human.
Everything about this shoot was just perfect. The light, the dress, the location, and especially Laura! Such an amazing shoot!
Got like 10 more coming up so stay tuned for each sneak preview!
When I studied photography at Cal State Fullerton, I never got the chance to take a film photography course. As a Communications major we only dealt with the digital side of things. That's the story I usually tell people. However, the real story is because originally I was a Public Relations major and if I was to switch to photo, the fast and easiest ticket out with out having to start all over again was taking the Photo Communications courses. I didn't want to start all over again in the art department and stay in school any much longer. I took the shortcut and missed out on the whole film side of things.
I didn't let it go to waste though. I may have never learned how to develop film in a darkroom, but giving that I collect old cameras, I still shoot film. I used to shoot when I would feel uninspired, burnt out, or just bored with digital and it's perfect focus and perfect bokeh. I wanted something real. Something tangible that I would have to wait and see if the shots were well exposed or if any of the frames actually came out ok.
The surprise was worth the wait. Worth overthinking each shot as I took it because I only had 24 frames per roll. I have to take my time, expose correctly, use my brain, and adjust accordingly to the light around me. It's like going back to basics.
Here is some film I got developed today. A mix of when we went camping and during the maternity session from this past weekend. The grain is beautiful and some of the shots aren't perfect, but then again, that is the point.

Sometimes you come across people that makes you want to get to know them. Something that leads you to make that connection. A smile, could be just a sincere hello. For me it was giving them my card hoping that they'd consider a maternity session, just so I could get to know them.
And that is exactly what happened. They called, we set up a meeting, I was utterly giddy of getting to know them, and we set the date. During our meeting they relayed to me that they once confided in a photographer, but she fell short and has then tainted the experience for them. As soon as they finished their tragic story of photographs lost, I confided in them that it is my mission now to make sure that they have the best experience and best session of their lives.
I dislike that other photographers give us a bad name. However, I do love the chance at proving that there are some whose passion transcends all they do and all put all of their focus on their clients. Making sure they enjoy the process, enjoy the session, and enjoy the once in a lifetime photographs that were made.
Nereida + Gabriel: Mil gracias por saltar y confiar en mi. Es un verdadero honor ser parte de esta nueva etapa! Estoy ansiosa por conocer a la pequeña y les deseo mucha felicidad! Espero que ya les haya restaurado la fe en la fotografía y que a partir de hoy, seran mis nuevos amigos! :D

Maternity sessions are so fun for me. I discovered that they could probably be my favorite kind of portrait session. It could be the fact that there is something undeniably sexy about a pregnant woman. Sexy and magical all at the same time. It is also temporary, which makes photographing maternity sessions a special and momentous occasion. Many woman have commented, usually after their family sessions, that they either never wanted maternity photos or just never thought of it until it was too late. I high recommend getting them done, even if you're not a big fan. The reason is because of how temporary being pregnant is. I myself have yet to go through pregnancy, however, many clients have expressed that each child is different in the womb. No pregnancy is the same. Which is why I stress that they are a must have. Not all maternity sessions need to have the belly out; it's all about what you're comfortable with. And I am more than happy to guide you on wardrobe and location ideas. Just get the darn session done ;).
Penelope + Gerardo decided to have half of the session indoors, with a more serious studio feel, and the other half outdoors. I love this combo for maternity photos. It creates lots of variety and allows us to really get a great mix of serious and happy photos. For the studio, we dressed Penelope in two pieces of fabric. Yep, good old fabric with nothing special to it. Tied it to the back to cascade and boom! Instant maternity wardrobe. This can be done with any kind of fabric, sheer, white, black, and even a soft rose o blue. Penelope chose white, and she looked gorgeous!
The rest of the session was pure fun! A little park then some hills and absolutely perfect.
Seems like there is an epidemic going around! Everyone is getting pregnant! I have had the pleasure of photographing women filled with the miracle of life, and I love it! It's so fascinating and I can't tell you how many women say it is such a great idea to photograph themselves while pregnant. It's such a unique moment in their lives and each pregnancy is just as unique.
Jeanette & Michael are going to be great parents! They couldn't stop smiling and were excited about their little girl coming any day now. (She's not here yet but soon!) You two have nothing to worry about, the love that you have for each other will transcend onto your baby girl and I know that she will be as beautiful as the love you have for each other! I was honored to photograph you
This infinity charm was from Jeanette and Michael's wedding! I thought it was so cute how they wanted to incorporate it into the session!