Holiday Mini Sessions | Family Portrait Photographer
Officially December! I don't know about you but that makes me super excited!
Back in October I had the privilege of photographing some really great families. I always have such a fun time and love catching up with clients. Especially when I see the children grow over the years!
Here I am combining them into one amazing post because they really were so fun to photograph and just love all of these people!
I am currently editing a wedding and after, I'll be prepping my home for Holiday visits! I'm so excited for our families to come and I'll probably be a little tied up with that so I want to wish everyone a mega happy holidays and see you in the new year!

Forsee Family

1//Forsee Family 2//Jones Family 3//Valdez Family 4//Garcia-Medina Family
5//Shramek-Miranda Family 6//Torres Family