Introducing my new address!  As in new website address.  I bought my website back in 2010 and back then the whole vintage style was in.  It was a template and at the time, perfect for my growing business.  For the last year or so, I've wanted something different.  Never knew exactly what I wanted but I needed a change.  I saw other websites go up and for some reason, they were all the same.  Another template with blog integration, cool home site, and lots of bells and whistles.  Blah... another template meant to "wow" that costs a fortune.

I'm not sure how I can across SquareSpace.  I think I ended up on someone's website and saw that it was from SquareSpace... to be honest I'm not sure how I stumbled across it.  But I have to say, I'm sure glad I did.  They have beautiful templates, fully customizable with a clean design.  That is what I was looking for.  A website that let me change the font if I wanted, change templates, and give me good hosting.

So I made the switch.  I also made the decision to drop the "photography" at the end of the link.  Why?  To be frank, the name was too long.  I started my business thinking that I had to put "photography" so that people would know what I did.  Clearly, it's been a long road since then and I had no idea what I was doing business-wise.  Also, in gong with a cleaner, easy to navigate website, the name too had to be simple and easy to remember.  My name is short and those looking at my website will have a clear idea that I am a photographer.

So after 4 years, here is to my new website!  Make sure to click the photo to be taken to the website.  You'll love the new design, I promise!

Here is the newsletter that I sent out to my email list :).