Living in Mexico

It has been a great while since I've written an update on how living in Chihuahua has been so far.  I think the last time I wrote was a year ago when I reached the 6 month mark.  A lot has happened from that time to now.

When I visit my friends back in California, the first question I usually get is "How can you live in Mexico?  Isn't it scary/unsafe?"  To which I usually explain that since I have been here, over a year now, that I have never seen or been a victim of any crime.  Other than really bad driving and horrible customer service.  It's really been good here.  I have discovered many great hole in the wall places to eat and have a beer.  There are still many, many places to explore and see.  And if I'm ever feeling homesick, good ol' McDonald's does the trick, ha ha!  

In all seriousness though, I've had many great experiences!  I was able to travel to different parts of the state as well as the country.  It seems as though the people here have more time and willingness to travel, even if they have limited resources or not. This is most surprising because in California, it always felt like I was on the go and never had enough time nor money to go anywhere further than Malibu or Vegas.  Or so it seemed that way.  In retrospect, I probably could have traveled a little bit more within the country, I just never saw its appeal.  In the year that I've been here, I have seen these amazing places:

Majalca, Chihuahua 

Namurachi Canyon, Chihuahua

Rekowata and Creel, Chihuahua

Huapoca, Madera in the state of Chihuahua

Monterrey, Nuevo Leon

I will also admit that it has been a tough.  There are times when I get home sick for the familiar.  For example, waking up in my old room with my family and doggies during the summer mornings.  Or the pad thai from the restaurant on Spruce Street.  Or miss having chips and salsa and beer with good friends at the local El Torito.  Let's also not forget all the beach time that I've been missing out, especially during the winter!

The internet has been such a great gift!  Being able to skype/facetime with friends and family during the time I've been away has been such a great help in not feeling so left out.  Because that's what happens when you leave your home, you lose contact and when you visit, you feel out of place.  Like so many things have continued to happen and you are not informed or otherwise just out of sight out of mind...

This adventure continues to surprise me and the more time I spend here in Mexico, the more I have accepted that this is now my home.  I am also very fortunate that I'm much closer to home than if I lived overseas.  I'm one long bus ride from being home.  And that, always makes it much easier.  Knowing that I can be back home from one day to the next.  Having family here is also another big help.  Being able to have people that I grew up with to help and support is always a plus :).

That's all for now... I'll keep you updated as time goes on!

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