Because you never know where you're gonna end up...

2013 has proved to be something else entirely.  I find myself in a different county, albeit familiar, there are lots of things that change when you are living and not visiting.  Everything about it is different, the roads, the way people drive, the houses, language, and people. 

Everything is new.  Interesting.  Fun.  The world looks different.  This adventure is proof that you never really know where you're going to end up.  Only God knows that.  And with all that has happened over the last three months, I know that when you put your faith in Him, He will not let you down.  There are challenges, not everything is sunshine and rainbows, but as long as I believe He will guide me in the right direction, everything will fall into place.  As it has been lately.  

It is remarkable how faith can have such a powerful affect on your life and on your ideals, views, and decisions.  

Here's a list of all that's been going on lately:

  • I am part of a couple of photography groups here in Chihuahua.  That makes me happy.
  • I am going to be teaching a photo class to high school students three days a week.  I can cross that off my bucket list now!
  • Making new friends 
  • I can now get around the city with out getting super lost, just a litte lost.  
  • I've lost weight eating at home.  But seriously considering eating at McD's because I miss their fries... question is, will they be as good as they are in Riverside??
  • Now, I have to find out if they're good or not... haha.
  • iMessage, Google Voice, and FB are life savers.  I get to talk to the people who matter the most through those avenues... every day :). 
  • Preparing to showcase my photography at the Wedding Expo here.  Which is stressful and exciting at the same time!
  • Excited to be photographing a wedding in Riverside this year! Which means I can visit my family and friends... and the beach

I'm excited for everything that is happening and it's only February!  You can follow more of what I've been up to on



Happy Monday!  

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