Jaclene | Inland Empire Portrait Photographer
I am so glad it stopped raining! At least for a day. I did fret a little when I saw how dark and ominous the clouds looked today at the site where I'd be photographing the beautiful Jaclene. Luckily, we shot in beautiful sunset light and with no rain.
Jaclene is a model and was looking to build her portfolio, so we did just that. We went with a railroad, cowgirl type of theme and I've gotta say, Jaclene, you are hott girlfriend! Definitely model material :).

Jaclene is a model and was looking to build her portfolio, so we did just that. We went with a railroad, cowgirl type of theme and I've gotta say, Jaclene, you are hott girlfriend! Definitely model material :).
Here are my favorites of the day!