Happy Christmas!

Tonight marks another year coming to a close end. One of love, laughter and shared memories. My family gathering over the huge pot of pozole and tamales. As we eat, I will be thinking of how this year was better than the last, how we as a family have grown, learned and shared. How we have come to appreciate life and love more than the days before.
I must admit that I was not in the holiday spirit and even began to wonder what time of the year it was with 80 degree weather. The week of holiday music ringing in my house, the mini christmas tree I have in my office, and even the holiday gift bags weren't enough to get me in the mood. Except for today, it hit me like a train full speed ahead!
Today when I saw my mom preparing the super huge pot of pozole, I turned to her and said, "Merry Christmas, mom; I love you." And with that she hugged me back and I felt the warmth of the season, the love it brings about, and all of the wonderful memories shared.
To all of those who are a part of my life, my family, friends who are like family, and friends who are family: I love you and wish you the best holiday season you can possibly have.
And to everyone and all: Happy holidays, may this time be spent with family and warmth.
Happy Christmas!