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Sneak Preview: Dina + Jackie + Sal | International Portrait Photographer

I absolutely love what I do.  It's been such a blessing being able to use it create something timeless for my clients.  It's more of a blessing when I get to do that for my own family, who are my biggest supports and probably the only ones who read my blog, hahaha.  Either way, it is something that makes my job more fun and a bit cool seeing my cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. grow older right in front of my lens.

Dina, my cousin, named after my grandmother Delfina, has always been a huge supporter of my photography.  And I've seen her kiddos grow up so quickly right before my eyes.  I love seeing them and catching up and having a session just makes it all that more special.  We also went ahead and did some photos of her daughter Jackie, for her senior portraits.  

Here is a little sneak preview ;).  

Happy Friday!

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