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That is Us | One Year

We were laying on his couch and I was showing the bf photos from Huapoca, since he wasn't able to go with me, and he grabbed my iPad eagerly and disclosed that he reads every post, every word, and looks at every photo.  He wanted to read the words that I used to describe my journey...even though sometimes I feel that I am such a bad blogger and my words fall flat.  After, seeing the post, he turned to me and told me that I was the best photographer and girlfriend in the world.  

That is us.  That is who we are together.  We sit and enjoy the simple pleasantries of the in between moments while talking and always laughing about anything and everything.  Our days, our childhoods, our thoughts and opinions about life, perhaps what we're watching on tv.  And sometimes we sit silently enjoying that we are given the chance to sit next each other breathing each other in.  Being able to love wholly.  Being able to appreciate and awe in that we have found each other through all the noise in this world. We support each other in each of our goals and are cheerleaders for one another.  It is rare to find someone you can see much of yourself in and yet, be completely different.  That is us. 

Today, we embark on year two.  And this past year has been such a great journey.  Four months of distance and then 8 months of getting to know each other on a different level and with each of us traveling and coming back to talk all about it.  It may seem like nothing to couples who have been married for years or have been together for years, but I feel utterly blessed to have found someone that sees me for me, accepts all of my flaws and annoyances, and who laughs with me until our stomachs hurt.  This year has been remarkable and I couldn't believe that I would keep falling in love with him over again each day.  

Happy one year hunny.  I love you.  And let's keep being nothing but Us.