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Six Months...

I am not sure how to explain what I have been feeling lately.  It's been six months since I moved here and I don't have much experience in being an expat, but sometimes, I really miss being home.  I miss my friends and family and the familiar places I used to go to. I even miss the difference in culture sometimes.  Not feeling weird because I make myself a peanut butter + jelly sandwich.  Or getting weird looks for going into a restaurant and eating alone because I crave Thai food.  Those things, after a while, tend to weigh on a person.  And make you miss home.  I suppose though, that these feelings are normal.  I don't like to admit that I get homesick.  After all, the decision to be here was completely all mine.  So, homesick to me seems like I'm whining.   In the beginning I didn't feel much homesickness.  It still felt like a vacation... until about a month ago.  

It would make more sense if things weren't going as wonderfully as they have been.  I have officially completed the semester as a teacher!  Which has been such a gratifying feeling to see the already high saturated minds of high school students learn from me and show progress in the course of the semester.  I am more eager for next semester!  As for the boyfriend, it still feels like a dream and I am really blessed! I have seen some really amazing places since I've been here.  A  couple of sessions have really made me fall in love with my couples, they really make doing what I do such a blessing!  And, I've become a regular at a local cafe, which makes me feel special when they call me by my name.  I also get to go home in four days!  Which could be the reason for all the homesickness.  The closer it gets the more I miss everyone's faces.  

I am extremely grateful for how things have been going and well, missing home is normal. The funny part in all of this is that when I do get home, I know I will miss being here.  As my dad would say, "it's a catch 22."  I guess that with time, it will get a little easier between my two worlds.  Wouldn't it be great if I could just combine the two and create a new country!  All of my favorite people in the same place from here and there :).  A girl can dream... sigh.   

Here are a few quotes that I found on Pinterest that make being an expat more exciting and remind me that I am exactly where I am supposed to be :).


