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Bridal show + update on life

My dad said something to me a while ago during one of our long distance phone calls and it went something like "... You are proof that life can change completely..." Hearing his voice on the other line and knowing that he was 1000 miles away, the declaration stung a little. It was bittersweet and very true. Life can change from one moment to the next. Never knowing exactly how things will play out. And although I was worried about a plethora of things, I followed my heart and kept my faith that the big man upstairs would lead me on the right path. There are times when I feel that I'm living a dream. That tomorrow this could all end when the sun rises and i will find myself back in my north facing bedroom. It hasn't happened yet. I find myself sleeping a little longer, a little better. Finding my way through the city while I drive. And enjoying the sights. Enjoying life. Here, life slows down. People aren't in a rush and take the time to eat with their families. Where Sundays are mean as a day to rest and talk about Saturday night. It still feels like a dream, and I am happy that it is real. God is truly amazing. My faith over the last few years has grown to something incredible that I cannot believe I have lived without for most of my life. Everything has fallen into place seamlessly and I am pretty darn sure that it was all in His plan. Every thing just feels right about being here. And slowly I am finding my place among the crowd.

When I arrived in January, I hoped to be able to procure a stand at the bridal show here. To my disappointment, it was already full. Nevertheless, I passed my information to the organizer in hopes that someone would back out. After a couple of weeks I received a call and was offered a booth! I didn't hesitate and quickly sealed the deal. Only God can make stuff like that happen.

This past week we set out to get everything done, the prints, frames, the booth, painting, putting together, and setting it up for the weekend. My family here has been indispensable and I thank them so much for their help and support. As well as my mom and dad without whom I couldn't have done the expo at all. And let me not forget my wonder bf who helped me with every step, keeping me on track and organized, and made sure that people stopped by our booth. We were able to welcome a few new couples to our wedding family for this year and that makes me feel extremely blessed.

If there were ever a word more appropriate at this point in my life it would be blessed. I am truly blessed and humbled by so much that is happening. The love that I feel from everyone close to me. It has been a wild ride, a life changing one and big G never ceases to amaze. I thank Him each and every day.

And I'm more and more exciting for what is to come!

Here is our booth from the expo :)

Our flush mount albums 

my uncle constructed the booth because what we were offered were flimsy plastic with aluminum poles that were just hideous   and you couldn't hang anything or stick anything to it.  very cumbersome.  so we built and painted this one better and we were able to hang frames.  soooo much better!
Some behind the scenes setting up...

ready for all the people!