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Settled In 2013 (Kind of...)

For many 2013 is only the mark of a new year.  For others it's a time to begin anew and work hard on their resolutions. 

For me, it's the start of a new life.  On Dec. 21 I packed up my life into Home Depot cardboard boxes and hopped into my car and began the 20 hour long drive to Mexico.  To my new home.  But this is not new information as my last post of 2012 clearly states that I was moving.  What I haven't revealed is that I came here for love.  I came here because the person I love lives here.  Has his career here.  And because long distance relationships are simply too hard and I couldn't do it.   Many people were confused as to why he didn't go to California, why I am the one moving and other such questions.  Other's thought I was being too rash and not thinking this all the way through.

And I considered everything every one was telling me.  I thought about it very much.  I lost sleep over it.  And I prayed very deeply about it.  When every thing fell into place on it's own, I felt in my heart that God was telling me to go.  Go and follow your heart.  Go because photography can be done from anywhere in the world.  Go because it's the best option for the two of you.  Go because this is your chance at love.  And if not for love, then what for?  

It is nerve wrecking and I still can't believe that I'm here.  That I am really here.  And I thank God for getting me here safely.  For having my parents accompany me here and spend Christmas with them.  For having family here so that I am not alone.  And for love, because it really is a magical force...  

At the beginning of every year, I write down the goals I have for JLP and for my personal growth.  This year I sat down and tried to write a new list and found myself staring at a blank page.  I realized that this year, every thing old is out the window.  Everything is new.  Starting over completely.  And it was an eye opening experience.  I have the chance to do every thing differently.  To begin from nothing again and with all of the past experience.  And for that I am really excited.

So here is to 2013, to the world not ending, and to a whole new life with new experiences.  And to all that God has in store for me.