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Life changes and new adventures

I haven't the finesse to say things so I'll just straight out and say what I'm so nervous and very excited to announce: I am moving out of the country and to a place that I have known all of my life. Mexico. The same place where my parents were born, where I used to go and visit my grandparents and cousins, and where I will be pursuing photography and embarking on a new journey.

I am officially leaving December 21 to spend Christmas with family in Mexico.

I have moved once before. A mere 40 miles away from the place I grew up. From the people I've grown to know and love. And coming back was easy. I did it in one day. This time. It's different. It's 1200 miles away, crossing a border, and learning to live in a new place. And therefore I can say that I have gone through every emotion a single human is capable of feeling. But most of all I am looking forward to all of the new experiences that await. Both photographically and personally. But most of all, I am thankful to God. For giving me the courage to leap before looking, for all the support that has come from those close to me and for the love he has filled my heart with.

I will, however, still be booking events in California and internationally so please do not hesitate to contact me! It's also a great way for me to come back and visit my family and friends so please book me ;)

As for my current clients, I am offering digital images of your sessions at a GREAT DISCOUNT. Contact me if you would like to have them in time for the holidays.

I know I am leaving a lot of the details out of this life changing story but I assure you, in due time, I will fill in the blanks. So stick around :)

P.S. if you'd like to donate to the Jackie Moving Fund, please click here : https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/send-money-online my email is jackielamas@gmail.com. Of every donation I will send 20% to a non-profit. Thank you for your support!