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Published : Bridal Guide

At the beginning of this year, I wrote down my goals for 2012.  Both my personal and business.  Among them, I wrote down "Get Published".  It was more of a dream than an actual goal.  Until my client, Jessica, submitted a photo into a contest that was being held by a local paper.  The grand prize: Front cover of the Bridal Guide at the biggest bridal show in her town.  Voting commenced and I voted every day, as did her family and friends.  I saw the numbers climb and sure enough, she won!  

I couldn't believe my eyes when I read her email letting her family and friends know that she had won with their support.  

"Shut. Up.  I'm going to be published?!"  That was my initial reaction, of course.  She later mailed me a copy of the bridal guide and I was in awe of it.  I still couldn't believe it, even though it was in my hands.

I can't thank her enough for submitting the photo and her family and friends for voting as much as they did.  It was incredible to be able to that dream off my goals list.   2012 is proving to be a remarkable year, thank you God! 

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