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Awesome Sauce | Pinterest

As by now, I'm sure you've heard of Pinterest.  I remember going on the site about 6 months back and getting overwhelmed by all the pinning and following and commenting.  So I quickly logged out before I got lost and forgot all about it.  Until one day, I saw it popping up on the many blogs that I follow.  From design blogs to home blogs to photography blogs, it seemed like everyone was loving it.

See, I clip and save photos from the web in a folder on my desktop named "Inspiration".  The problem: never remembering the source, except for the ones that are clearly Jose Villa.   After seeing how everyone was using Pinterest to organize their inspiration, I went forth and conquered the new social platform and installed the Pin It button and started pinning.

Ohh emm gee... is Pinterest the best thing evah!  It has brought finding and clipping inspiration to a whole new level.  And the best part?  Knowing exactly where the original piece came from and being able to credit the rightful owner.  Which now a days, gets lost in the sharing and reposting.

So if you're on Pinterest, happy pinning!  And if you like my pins, follow me :).