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5 Tips for your next portrait session

Portraits sure have come a long way since the 1800's.  No need to sit still for one hour to take one family photo or engagement photo.  Or can you imagine an hour sitting for a wedding portrait of your new wife/husband?

I thank the photography gods (and technology) for making it easier to do my job! And as part of my job, I would like to let you in on a few tips for your next portrait session.

Tip #1:  Matchy-Matchy is so out
You mean we don't have to wear white and kaki at our beach portraits?  That's right.  That is great for really large groups where variety would be distracting.  However, for families and engagement couples, being matchy-matchy is sometimes stale.  What is in:  Colors that go well together and complement your skin tone.  Like so:

Tip #2:  Large weird prints
Ed Hardy is most certainly out.  It is for your own good!  Large and distracting prints do just that: distract.  I want to focus on how well you look, the background of the location we chose, and those who are also in the photos.  Having prints that distract aren't very flattering.  Instead where textures or patterns that aren't large, flattering, and don't distract us from how awesome you look.  Case in point:

Tip #3:  Get Groomed
This goes for both men and women.  Men, make sure you get your haircut 2-3 weeks prior to the session, just in case they didn't do a great job you have time to get it fixed.  Day of the shoot make sure to shave, groom, and look oh so debonaire because who doesn't like a handsome guy?  Women, get your hair and make up done.  Even if you don't wear lots of make up, make sure you have a pro do it for you on the day of the shoot.  You'd be surprised how far professional make up will go on a day of a shoot.  Plus, who wouldn't want a day to get a make over!  For example:

Tip #4:  Bring Props
I love it when my clients bring props to add to their sessions.  It represents you and it is my job to do just that.  Get you the way you truly are.  If you play the guitar, bring it and strum a few chords.  If you have an idea that involves props, bring them!  It's better to try it than to have wished you had.  And I love to see  the true you!  Like these two couples did:

Tip #5:  Have fun
This is probably the most important tip!  Getting photographed can be nerve recking and trust me, I've been on that side of the camera, I know how you feel!  I tell clients that it takes about 15 minutes for one to really relax and start showing off to the camera.  Once you're relaxed, getting photographed becomes your own personal America's Next Top Model moment!  And that's when the fun really starts.  That's when I play with your two year old or when I get you to smile with your eyes.  This is a special time to really be you and show off what your mama gave you!  See how much fun we have:

And that's all!  Happy Thursday!

if you would like Jackie to photograph your next portrait session contact her at 951.732.7039.