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Life in Review : Goals for 2009

Usually I leave my goals for my corkboard at home and every time I've accomplished one, I cross it out with a red pen, making sure I see that it has been completed. Last year, I learned about a system that helped me make my goals SMART.

S= Specific
M= Measureable
A= Attainable
R = Realistic
T= Timely

I learned that the more specific and realistic your goal is, the more attainable it is and usually gets accomplished sooner. My goals for 2009 are a combination of personal and business. I won't list them all here but here's a snippit:
  1. Shoot more with artificial lighting. Since I will be taking a studio photography class I want to maximize this area that I am not all familiar with.
  2. Become more business savy. Being a photo major this area is non-existent and I could use the information!
  3. Volunteer for a good cause. I've always wanted to do something to give back other than donating a $1.00 when I'm out shopping. So if you know of any good causes out there, let me know!
  4. Shoot for myself at least 2x a week. I have only picked up my camera in the last few months for sessions and haven't worked on any personal projects. This year I hope to change that.
  5. Get in shape! I have never been one to exercise but I would like to get in shape and be healthy.
What are your goals for 2009?